Set 2 years after Ave Mujica and MyGO. Everyone 18 and in their third years. UiSaki lives together in a larger house where they each have their own rooms.

Togawa Sakiko tried to focus on the current lesson, but Mutsumi’s words kept on ringing inside her head.

“You should do something for Uika. I’m sure it would make her happy.”

It wasn’t like she hadn’t thought of it, it was the first thing she thought of… but do what?

Uika wasn’t the most forward person. She would always hold back and never really say her thoughts… but it also wasn’t like they’ve never gone past kissing before.

If you date for two years and more, surely you’d go past that line at your own pace. However, what she wanted to do was to repay her kindness. To show her own lover that she appreciated her love, and everything she does for her.

…with the low goal of making her make a move on Sakiko. It wasn’t the priority, but Sakilo always felt bad when Uika walked around eggshells with her when it comes to her own desires. She wanted Uika to be able to voice out her wants… all she could hope was that she could do something about it this year.

“Sakiko-chan?” A pink haired girl peeked in front of her face, looking at her with an intense expression. “It’s time for P.E. Aren’t you getting changed?”

Sakiko blinked as Anon stared at her. “Anon… Thank you for telling me.”

She got up from her chair and picked up her P.E. clothes to change into for class. She followed Anon outside of the mostly empty classroom and realized.

“That’s right… Anon and Soyo are dating. Maybe I should ask her…” But how do you ask one about matters of love?

“It was unusual to see you space out like that. Is something wrong?” Anon asked in worry.

Sakiko tightened her hold onto her changing bag in front of her as she walked. “Nothing is wrong, however… I might need to consult you for something.”

Now with Tomori (from another class), Anon, and Sakiko sat on the floor of the gymnasium as the rest of the students played a variety of games. Normally, Anon would join and play with them, but a friend’s concern is the priority.

Sakiko blinked as she felt cornered sitting at the center of an unusually extremely interested Chihaya Anon, and a more normal, confused Takamatsu Tomori.

“Well…?” Anon smiled at her, a fang in full display, much like her interest.

“Umm…” Sakiko swallowed as she worded and reworded what she wanted to ask in her mind. “…With Soyo…”

“With Soyorin…?”

“…What does Soyo usually do for you… during private times…?” Sakiko glanced at Anon, then turned away only to meet eyes with a confused Tomori who only tilted her head. She then turned back to Anon, who had that stupid smile plastered on her face.

“Heh~ I didn’t expect you to ask something like that, Sakiko-chan.” Anon grinned at her.

“…I- If you will only make fun of me, then by all means, don’t answer it.” Sakiko sighed then motioned to stand up.

Anon clasped her hands in front of her and apologized. “Sorry, it’s not that. It was unexpected but I’m not gonna tease you!”

Sakiko glared at her and sat back down.

“With Soyorin… Well, she isn’t the type to say things honestly when it comes to it… but sometimes she’d prepare tea, then when we do dates at her house, she’d greet me by the door, and hug me, or something like that?” Anon put a finger under her chin as she tried to recall. “Sometimes she’d prepare the bath for me, well, it does end up with us taking one together.”

“I see…” Sakiko nodded as she mentally noted each one of them. “Soyo was always energetic and straightforward, I did not expect her to be roundabout about things.”

Anon smiled. “Well~ She is, but when it comes to her own feelings, she’s a little clumsy about it. She’s too used to suppressing them in order to fit with others…” She frowned a little, then gave Sakiko a wry smile. “Even though I don’t know what she’s thinking of most of the time, I’d still want her to be as transparent as she could be with me.”

Sakiko smiled at Anon. “You’re gentle, Anon. I’m glad Soyo has someone like you by her side.”

“Ehehe~ Thank you, I’m glad that someone who has known her for a long time thinks so.” Anon grinned at her and scratched her cheek.

“Well… Next…” Sakiko looked at her lap. “How would you react… If let’s say, Soyo did something out of usual, to surprise you?”

Anon blinked. “For example?”

Sakiko tightly held onto the soft cotton of her uniform. “Instead of embracing you at the door, she gives you a kiss?”

“Ahhh…” Anon’s cheeks tinted pink as she imagined it. “That has happened before… When we got into a fight, and Soyorin wanted to make up.”

“…and?” Sakiko blinked.

“I don’t think any dinner was had.” Anon smiled at her wryly. “…Then Soyorin scolded me for letting the food go cold, and I don’t think that was my fault!?”

Sakiko closed her eyes. “I think I am starting to understand what Soyo feels.”

“Right, Tomorin!?” Anon turned to Tomori who only looked at them like a deer caught in the headlights.

“M- Mm…?” Tomori only stared at her in confusion.

“Anon…” Sakiko exasperatedly turned to Anon who only smiled at her. She shook her head and smiled.

“I think anything you do would make Uika-chan happy.” Anon gave her a thumbs up.

Sakiko blushed at her straightforwardness. “Thank you, I hope you’re right.”

“I am! We think sorta alike! Be spontaneous!” Anon grinned.

Sakiko smiled at her. “Did she mean that if I kissed Uika once she gets home, she’ll forget about dinner as well…? Would spontaneity really yield such results?”

She had finally gotten one idea, but it wasn’t nothing out of their usual as a couple. She has initiated a kiss with Uika (albeit on the cheek), and she knew it did make her happy. Sakiko now knew that it must be a kiss, other than the cheek, to further show her thankfulness.

Thinking of things to do for Uika had helped Sakiko go through the day quickly. However, if she had wanted to execute this plan by soon, she would have to get all the ideas she needed quickly to formulate a plan. She didn’t want to keep many secrets from her.


She had a lot of secrets to keep, and now that they have been dating for a while, even if it was for a surprise, she didn’t want to lie.


Lying to Uika is the last thing she ever wanted to do to her again, so she must make this a success.


Sakiko’s eyes widened as she stared at a black haired girl who worked at RiNG looking at her with concern. “…Taki.”

“I’ve been calling you for a while. You okay?” Taki slid a saucer in front of Sakiko, then a teacup of tea. “…Misumi-san?”

Sakiko blinked in surprise. “Was it obvious?”

“Nowadays, she’s the only one I could think of that’d put you in a trance like that. Things going well?” Taki put the teaspoon on the side of Sakiko’s saucer, then placed the small shot of milk and the jar of sugar.

“Yes, thank you for asking. I’ve just been in a pinch…” Sakiko stared at the teacup as she smiled.

“In a pinch?” Taki raised an eyebrow while she returned to drying glasses and teacups behind the counter.

“…I wanted to do something to repay Uika’s kindness, but I can’t quite think of a good one.” Sakiko smiled at Taki wryly and picked up the teacup. She took a small sip, her expression loosening up as she tasted the tea.

“It’s Misumi-san, I bet anything you do she’d love and appreciate, right?”

“You’re right, but I wanted it to be special and memorable.”

“It’s Uiko, it’d be special and memorable regardless.” A familiar voice from her band suddenly took a seat next to her.

“Nyamu…” Sakiko looked at her in surprise. “I thought you wouldn’t be here for a while?”

“Ended early, so I’m here early. One earl grey hot please~” Nyamu ordered tea and Taki nodded at her, repeating her order.

“Earl grey, hot.” Taki moved to the side make the tea as Nyamu leaned her arm to the counter and faced Sakiko, crossing her legs.

“Would you like to move to a table?” Sakiko asked as she prepared to grab her bag.

“Here is fine, not to mention, what’s this about Uiko? Now, now, spill.” Nyamu looked at Sakiko with keen interest.

Sakiko only raised an eyebrow then sighed as she put her bag back where it was on the counter then turned back to her tea. “I was just about to consult Taki about what I can do to repay Uika’s kindness.”

“Ooh? Well?” Nyamu turned to Taki who had just put her cup of tea in front of her. “How are you and Umiko doing?”

Taki’s eyebrow twitched as she turned to Nyamu sharply. “Meaning?”

“If you were in Sakiko’s situation, what would you do?” Nyamu put a hand under her chin, all fingers straight, as if putting her face in display. “To surprise Umiko~ or to spice things up every now and then.”

“…I don’t do such things.” Taki turned away as she answered curtly.

Sakiko looked at her in surprise. “You don’t?”

“Urk…” Taki sighed at Sakiko’s surprised expression, and tried not to look at Nyamu’s extremely haughty one. “…I do.”

Sakiko smiled, as if her eyes sparkled. “What kind of things do you do for her?”

Taki blushed as she scratched her cheek. “…Ave Mujica’s often busy with practices and lives, so occassionally, I prepare the dinner, and bath, and ask her the question.”

Sakiko blinked as she looked at her in confusion.

“Th- That… question. The thing, everyone does.” Taki moved her hand attempting to explain, conveying no other information.

“Everyone? I believe I’ve not done this with Uika, though?” Sakiko turned to Nyamu who only looked at her in exasperation.

“Do you really not know?” Nyamu raised an eyebrow. “Go on, say it.”

“No way.” Taki crossed her arms in front of her.

“Eehh…” Sakiko frowned, then turned to Nyamu.

Nyamu sighed. “It’s that, dinner, bath, or me.”

“Eh?” Sakiko blinked. “Was that also what Anon was talking about before?”

Nyamu quickly whipped out her phone, typed a few keywords, then showed it to Sakiko.

“I- I see…?” Sakiko blinked as she read the definition, and reason. “Can’t you show me a sample, Taki?”

“No way in hell.” Taki shook her head as she sighed.

“If you search for anime, and videos, you’ll find them but I suggest you do it at home, where Uiko won’t catch you, and use safe browsing.” Nyamu explained with a sigh as Taki nodded. “Meanwhile, you…”

“Wh- What…?” Taki looked at her, as if suddenly a bucket of cold water has been poured over her.

“I see, Umiko’s into that too.”

“Mostly, nobody picks dinner or bath, so…” Taki sighed and suddenly groaned. “I’m done! That’s the end of this conversation!”

Umiri then arrived, she watched the three of them in confusion, as Taki looked embarrassed, Sakiko was spaced out, and Nyamu was tired.

“Are you all all right?” Umiri asked as Nyamu shrugged.


At night, Sakiko was busy trying to research this thing called “Dinner, Bath, or Me?” while Uika was still away for work after their band practice. All of the videos, experiences, posts, manga and anime she had seen that featured it often yielded success, and she knew that it was something she must absolutely try with Uika.

Little did she know that it took a lot of courage, and practice to execute it. Normally, she’d back down and think of it more, but as Anon put it into words for her:

“Be spontaneous!” Sakiko balled both of her hands as she raised her arms in front of her to hype herself up. She feigned a cough as she stood up in their shared bedroom. “Uika. I’ve prepared dinner, and heated up the bath… Would you like dinner, bath… or me?”

It was only a practice, but Sakiko immediately felt her body heat up, the blush burning on her cheeks as the words merely left her mouth.

“Was it really supposed to be this embarrassing?” Sakiko shook her head as she tried to shrug off the embarrassment. “How did Soyo and Taki do such a thing…?” Her gold eyes trailed over to the clock, and noticed that it was almost eight in the evening.

Her phone buzzed like clockwork.

[Saki-chan, we just finished here, so I’ll be home soon!]

They’ve lived together for a while now but no matter how many times Sakiko told her she didn’t need to tell her where she was, because she trusted her, Uika still insisted on doing so, because she wanted Sakiko to know where she was at all times.

“I need to cook dinner.” Sakiko busied herself as she headed for the kitchen, preparing a slightly special dinner of curry, and headed to prepare everything else that she needed. “It has to be today.”

Dilly-dallying and leaving it for another would not do her any good. Just likes Uika’s lyrics, she should be forward, and direct.

Roughly about forty minutes later, Sakiko, who had just finished preparing dinner, heard the front door unlock. Her heartbeat pounding loudly into her ears, she removed her apron and hung it where they usually put it and headed for the door.

Her hands were sweaty, and her heart was noisy. She must have been more nervous now, than she was if it were a live performance, or a TV appearance.

The door unlocked, and the movement of shoes and bag could be heard. “Saki-chan, I’m home~” Uika announced loudly as Sakiko waited for her near hallway.

Uika’s footsteps were soft, the voice she greeted with was lively. She smiled brightly at Sakiko who was waiting for her.

“Uika, welcome home.” Sakiko smiled at her warmly.

“Hehe, I’m home, Saki-chan.” Uika grinned, then realized. “I said it twice.” She had a bag on each hand, her school bag, and her usual bag for when she goes to the agency.

“Uika.” Sakiko called for her attention as she fidgeted slightly.

“Hm~?” Uika hummed as she looked at her feet and removed her shoes.

“I’ve prepared dinner, and heated up the bath but… Would you like dinner, bath… or me?”

Uika looked at her, those purple orbs round in surprise, as two loud thuds hit the floor.

Then, there was silence.

“…U- Uika…?”

“Heh?” Uika blinked. “S- Saki-chan? S- Say it again! One more, please!”

Sakiko was surprised, and slightly taken aback. “Would you like dinner, bath… or–kyaa!”

Uika laughed as she suddenly swept Sakiko off her feet and carried her bridal style inside their house.

“Uika! That’s dangerous!” Sakiko giggled as Uika walked so fast from the doorway into their bedroom with so much vigor.

Before she could process what was going on, Sakiko’s light blue hair sprawled onto their large queen sized bed, her lips captured in a warm kiss as Sakiko’s back softly hit the mattress.

Sakiko wrapped her arms around Uika’s shoulders, her hands meeting at Uika’s nape, brushing her blonde hair with her fingertips.

“Are you choosing me?” Sakiko whispered as the kiss ended, and purple met golden orbs in an intense stare.

“…I’d be stupid to choose anything else.” Uika smiled at her softly. “It’s fine, right?”

“You’ve made your choice, and I oblige.” Sakiko pulled Uika to her as she initiated the kiss. “Uika, I love you.”

“I love you, too, Saki-chan.”

The bed sank to their weight as their evening began with a sweet, and passionate kiss.

Uika wrapped her arms around Sakiko’s body as she pulled her towards her, their bare bodies sharing body warmth under the sheets.

“Saki-chan… What was with you today?” Uika asked, whispering softly into Sakiko’s ears.

Sakiko shuffled in bed as she turned around and face Uika. “…Mutsumi told me to repay your kindness. I agreed.”

“Eh?” Uika looked at her in surprise. “I don’t think I…”

“You do.” Sakiko gently placed her palm on Uika’s cheek. Uika closed her eyes as she enjoyed the warmth. “You do a lot for me, and the band, and I feel like I do not show enough appreciation…”

“…and so it’s this?” Uika smiled as she took Sakiko’s hand into her own, holding it tightly.

Sakiko laughed and nodded. “Did it make you happy?”

“Of course it did! It was a big success, Saki-chan!” Uika gently rubbed her forehead on Sakiko’s as she smiled. “Just being with you makes me so happy…”

Sakiko frowned as she watched Uika’s smile turn into one as well. “Uika?”

“Saki-chan… Is it really fine for me to be this happy?” Uika looked at her with lost and lonely purple orbs. “I…”

“Of course.” Sakiko answered with conviction, brushing Uika’s hair with her other hand. “I believe that everyone in this world deserves happiness, and you, the most.”


“…So aside for this, I’ve also prepared one more thing.” Sakiko smiled at her, she softly let go of Uika’s hand that was holding onto her own, and opened one of the slide out drawers next to her side of the bed.

Uika sat up from the bed as she watched Sakiko. Sakiko took out a small box from the drawer.

It was a small light blue box with a ribbon on it. Sakiko then put it out towards Uika.


“Can I open it?”

“Of course.” Sakiko smiled at her as Uika lightly tugged at the small ribbon.

Uika removed the cover of the box, and inside it was a necklace with a shooting star pendant. “Saki-chan…”

“I know that you’ll be busy soon, so I got this for you, so that you know that I’ll always be with you even if you’re always busy.” Sakiko took the necklace out of the box and held it out towards Uika.

“Could you put it on me?”

“It is my pleasure.” Sakiko unhooked the necklace and smoothly put it around Uika’s neck, securing the lock on her nape. “I hope the gold color would remind you of me.”

“I always think of you, don’t worry.”

“That, I know.” Sakiko smiled as Uika smiled back at her. “Uika, I want you to be happy as well, as much as how you want me to be. I don’t ever want you to feel like you don’t deserve happiness, so if you ever find yourself thinking such thoughts… tell me.”

“Saki-chan…” Uika wrapped her arms around Sakiko’s body, softly pushing her back down onto the bed for more cuddles. “I love you.”

“And I, to you.” Sakiko gently gave Uika’s lips a sweet peck as they stared into each other’s eyes.

“Saki-chan, I…”

“…Go ahead. I’m yours to keep.”

Their lips closed in, as for the second time, they are wrapped in each other’s love and kindness.

(END/For Your Kindness)

Uika spooned Sakiko as the sun rose before them.


“Hm?” Sakiko hummed, eyes still closed as they rested.

“…I’m glad I didn’t have a guitar today.”

Sakiko opened her eyes, thinking of the sudden realization… then she laughed.

“I would have to agree.”

“Geez! I was so surprised I just dropped everything in the doorway!” Uika tightened her hold onto Sakiko’s body as she dipped her nose into her nape, inhaling her scent. “If I had dropped my guitar, I won’t know how to explain it to them if something had broken…”

“That would have been interesting to see.”

“Saki-chan, you meanie!” Uika rubbed her head onto Sakiko’s nape as they laughed. “Were you expecting that?”

“After considering Taki and Anon’s accounts of events with their own lovers, yes.” Sakiko turned around, their noses brushing at proximity.

“Ehh~ The dinner?”

“Is inside the fridge.”

“The bath?”

“…was not prepared at all.”

“Geeeez! You were lying!? What if I had chosen one of them?”

“It was a white lie, please forgive me.” Sakiko giggled as she gently poked Uika’s nose with her finger. “I knew that you simply are a one-track mind that you would choose neither, if I was on the menu.”

“You aren’t wrong but I somehow don’t feel better hearing it.” Uika pouted as Sakiko laughed.

“I’m sorry. Please don’t sulk anymore.”

“Hmph!” Uika feigned a glare as Sakiko chuckled.

“If you could carry me to the bath, I will shower with you.”

Purple orbs sparkled.

“Of course!”

Sakiko laughed as she felt her body being lifted off the bed.

“What a simpleton.”

“That’s me!”

Then more laughter. For all the brighter days.

May they continue.