It’s Your Day

The most difficult part of being childhood friends with your lover is their birthday. You’ve been together for so long that surprises aren’t a thing anymore, and if they are, it’d be a difficult feat. This is Miyagawa Takane we are talking about, after all.

  • May 18, 2022

Thoughts of You

The wheels of a stretcher collided onto tiles as loud voices shouted inaudible words. Takane held onto Kanaho’s non responsive hands as she tried to catch up to the rolling stretcher with a few nurses. “Kanaho! Kanaho! Please! Wake up!”

  • February 6, 2022

The Real Yuyu

“Riri-san~” Fumi greeted Riri who was already in their legion room, Kaede entering right behind her. “Fumi-chan, Kaede-san! Good morning!” Riri stood up from her spot in the couch and walked up to them. “Have you two seen Onee-sama?”

  • January 28, 2022